users in Lino Algus

The lino_algus.lib.users plugin extends lino.modlib.users.

A tested document

This is a tested document. The following instructions are used for initialization:

>>> import lino
>>> lino.startup('lino_algus.projects.algus1.settings')
>>> from lino.api.doctest import *

Available user types

Lino Algus knows the following user types:

======= =========== ===============
 value   name        text
------- ----------- ---------------
 000     anonymous   Anonymous
 100     user        User
 500     staff       Staff
 900     admin       Administrator
======= =========== ===============

A demo site has the following users:

========== ===================== ==========
 Username   User type             Language
---------- --------------------- ----------
 robin      900 (Administrator)   en
 rolf       900 (Administrator)   de
 romain     900 (Administrator)   fr
========== ===================== ==========

The site manager

Robin is a site manager, he has a complete menu.

>>> show_menu('robin')
- Configure :
  - System : Users, Site configuration
- Explorer :
  - System : Authorities, User types, User roles
- Site : About, User sessions